Is it just me or January is a month that feels like a whole year in itself? I always feel like it drags and drags on no end. 31 days? It feels more like 80 if you ask me. The irony being that this unbearably long, boring month is followed by the shortest month of the year : February.
So before I ramble any further about anything, here is the reminder that the February 2025 calendar page is up for download in the freebie zone.
But back to the month that was shall we? All 269 days of it (just kidding...well almost), I think it's safe to say that on top of usually being a sluggish month it also was a crazy one for many around the world. And then there were social media changes that got people all riled up : Meta cancelling fact checks, TikTok facing a potential ban in the US, and Instagram changing its grid from square to rectangle! Which is what prompted me to publish a blog post about 3 expenses you shouldn't be cheap when it comes to your creative business.
As for me, the social media changes isn't really something I feel like cribbing about, the most annoying bit of January has been Society6 yet again failing to fix their auto-pay feature for subscription plan which will probably have me demoted to the free plan for the 3rd time since November in a few days. At this point I'm finding myself pondering if sticking up with them is even worth it in the long run. January has been a predictably slow months for sales, it happens every year, but even more so this year with the US being uncertain about tariffs hitting them. I'm suspecting that with the cost of everything going up, including essentials there will be less room in the budget for many to buy art. But hey! Enough with the doom and gloom, let's keep marching on and embrace February and all the opportunities it may bring. I know many of you up North are longing for spring, and while I don't rejoice to the prospect of temperatures rising up here in Mumbai, it will at least come with the silver lining of being able to enjoy the pool again (not a fan of too cold water). So here's to an awesome month of February, wherever you are! Cheers!