Home Cyn Home is proud to announce that it now has a membership that give you access to a member only zone where you get access to cool freebies, including the welcome stickers set that originally went to my newsletter subscribers. Joining as a member is FREE, it just replaces the newsletter that I felt was loosing steam and quite frankly became a bit tedious for me to write every Sundays. If you are an old timer follower, you probably know that before Home Cyn Home had this new website back in April, the domain name and URL was linked to an old Blogger blog which I have now killed to start afresh. The Mailchimp newsletter was something that felt a lot more at home back on blogger and made more sense there, but when I took the very risky and scary jump to kill all my old content, I needed to have that one bit, and the mailing list I built there come with me to the new website. I knew though that I wanted my website to have room to grow, and that was exactly why I moved away from Blogger and got on Wix. I wanted the option of having members only pages, and more importantly have everything integrated on one platform. The thing that ended up pushing me to start a membership area on my website was that for the past 5-6 weeks, there had be zero changes in my mailing list, and the weekly Mailchimps reports also showed that very few of my subscribers ever opened my emails, or clicked on anything, which meant that all the printables I created over the last year have not reached people at all.
I knew it was time to move on, and quite frankly, I have to let you in on a little secret here, I never quite understood the concept of newsletter and my intuition always told me that it was probably not the best move for me. BUT! marketing experts all tell us that building a mailing list is crucial to building an audience, and I agree with them here. What I didn't know, and I now know, is that there is more than one way to build your own audience, and you don't necessarily have to write newsletters every weeks to keep them in the loop. To make sure I was doing the right thing, I informally polled my followers on Instagram to know who was subscribed to my newsletter, who wasn't and more importantly, WHY they weren't subscribed. Many answered "I hate emails" and a few answered "I don't know how". The "I hate emails" group was the biggest, and the one that I really needed to address. Because, I LOVE giving my audience freebies, and it made me a bit sad that people would either forgo getting access to these because they hate emails, or forget to download them because the newsletter they subscribed to was something they didn't have the time to open. To be honest, I don't read most of the newsletter content I subscribed to myself, I get it, we have busy lives, and we are solicited entirely too much these days.
Enters the Member Area and the Freebies page!
You now have the option to sign up as a member on the site, it's free and all you need is to enter your email address. I can GUARANTEE that this address will stay private, and that I won't share it with anybody, so you will not get unwanted spam from me or anyone after signing up. Once signed up, you should normally be subscribed by default to blog post updates and these will be the emails you get each time I publish a new post. BUT! You will also have the option to not recieve these emails if you don't want them by changing your preferences on your "account settings". Aside from getting notified about new blog posts via emails, you get access to Home Cyn Home's freebies page, it's a member only page where all the printable will go, including the calendar page of the month, and the printable stickers set of the month along with any extra freebies I might chose to give at random. Some of these will stay in the list permanently and the page will grow, other will get available only for a short time (Like the calendar pages). For these, there will be no notifications, so you will have to check the page regularly to know what's new. There will still be announcement emails from time to time
I plan on sending out one email a month to let you know when the printables of the months hit the page, and those emails will ONLY go to Home Cyn Home's members, the old email list I built on Mailchimp will ceased to be used at the end of August 2022. Aside from that one monthly email, there is the chance I will share a hot sales announcement if any of my shop partners offer a killer deal or if there is a particularly big website announcement and that will be about it.
There will be room to grow
The whole point of creating a member only area on Home Cyn Home is so that it can expand and grow as the brand grows. For now we will stick to just a Freebie page, but there is no telling where we'll go next, and I am thrilled to have you all part of the journey.