Today I present to you a new Halloween collection that is more a mini collection than anything and a very accidental one at that.
But! This is the spooky season and I wouldn't miss a chance to share some seasonal content given the opportunity.
As I said, this mini Halloween collection came to be by sheer accident, I hadn't planned it at all. It just happened because the best mockup creators on the market : Creatsy, released a bunch of Halloween freebies, including this lovely fireplace decor mockup. I just HAD to play with this one and use my Spoonflower challenge cottagecore ghosts as a wallpaper.
It seems ghosts wearing cottagecore floral sheets is a trend this Halloween and I had no idea when I drew that pattern for a challenge that took place in June. Spoonflower has made promos for the season featuring people wearing ghost costumes in retro floral fabric prints and I have seen floral ghosts art featured on Society6 as well. Heck, a few days ago I sold a bathmat with those ghost on it.
I would have been fine with just a simple wallpaper mockup to be honest, but as usual, Creatsy doesn't disappoint with their mockups and this one had options to add designs to several of the pumpkins, and the armchair as well, so I went digging in my pattern archives for a cool matching armchair fabric which you can also get on Spoonflower. I would have been happy with those two patterns, but I needed something for the throw pillow as well, and instead of making it one solid color, I saw an opportunity to use the Art Deco diamond pattern I featured in the Tiger Safari collection as well.
And just like that, I had 3 patterns to use on the pumpkins that required a design, and a mini Halloween collection featuring one hero cottagecore ghost pattern and two retro geometric patterns that matched without my having planned it in the first place.
You can find all those patterns on Society6, Redbubble and Spoonflower. To know more, head to the SHOP tab.